The Kamakura Print Collection, Photogravure Etchings by Peter Miller

Tom Veblen's Business: The Heart of the Matter, published in 2017, views business from the inside out, interweaving vignettes of his growing up on the northern prairie, and his apprenticeship as a commodity merchant, with those practices and principles that cause all business firms to grow and prosper. Prosperity is made from the day-to-day gritty work of business survival. Business practitioners must constantly think 'why this and not something else' about what they do with all the resources entrusted to them — labor, money, physical assets, goodwill, trust, social capital, and all the resources they bring to bear on producing and distributing the goods and services they offer. This book reveals the essence of that thought process, as it shapes day-to-day decisions and adapts to the changing business and social environment.

Business: The Heart of the Matter may be ordered through Amazon: Alternatively, order the book directly from its publisher by sending your check for $28.50 to: The Superior Business Firm Roundtable 2806 36th Place NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 965-2967

Tom Veblen's The Way of Business sketches America's 'exceptional' business culture as it adapts to the new global business culture. From the sessions of the Superior Business Firm Roundtable, this book distills the experiences of superior business practitioners.

Way of Business

On its cover appears the photogravure etching Wave-Embraced on its cover, and several others from the Seascapes Series inside. Order the book by clicking the link below, or from the Superior Business Firm Roundtable at 2806 36th Place, NW, Washington DC 20007-1417, U.S.A., tel 1-202-965-2967.

The Way of Business, by Tom Veblen

141 pages. Softbound; $22.00 postage paid U.S.; $29.00 postage paid all other destinations.
Check or money order to: The Superior Business Firm Roundtable, 2806 36th Place NW, Washington, DC 20007-1417
Tel: 202-965-2967
or click the order button below:

Click here to view price and start order; order and payment are completed only after confirmation at Checkout.

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Original photogravure etchings seen in The Way of Business may be purchased through this website.


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