The Kamakura Print Collection, Photogravure Etchings by Peter Miller

鎌倉プリント・コレクションへようこそ  ・ フォトグラビュール 銅版画、ミラー・ピーター


309. Network-4. 26 x 34 cm (10 x 14" ) photogravure etching, Carbon Black etching ink on 38 x 47 cm (15 x 19") Fabriano Tiepolo (2014); fishnets from Kyushu, Japan; Tirage: 10.

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On the page that follows, please enter $700 or equivalent in another currency. Your original photogravure etching will arrive at the address you write in the message space on that page, by Yu-Pack in Japan or by EMS elsewhere.

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Related prints: Network-1, Network-2, Network-3

Network-4 at Xpress

Network-4 at

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